Sunday, March 27, 2005

What a looooooooooooooooong weekend

This has been a long weekend. I am burned out. I am gonna spend these next two days (I hope) sitting on my ass, not doing a damn thing. Well, washing a few dishes, and some clothes. Might do a little cooking. Might drop out on the couch and get the sleep I've been missing out on. Not doing so well with the sleep thing lately.
a wonderful visit from my newest most awesome friend made this day much brighter. And hour seemed like 5 mins. I even got an Easter basket!!!!!

*looks both ways to see if anyone is looking and then does a YESSSSSSS!!! *

I need to have some time with friends around, grown ppl. peers, equals. ppl who get my gab. lottsa ppl who don't follow me in this world. I will shoulder some of this responsibility, I don't always talk in straight lines, or even in pieceable fragments. LOL and I have the hardest time with keeping my train of thought over a couple of side notes. Well I have to gauge how badly im getting off track by how happily my friends faces are outwardly working on fitting my ramble into a single stream. geeheez, ill just bet im damn hard to listen to.
tee hee hee. Sorry friends.
so off that on to something else, I am still diggin on my new Pulp Fiction site!!!! every time I get on I want to say "mmmhummmm that is one tasty burger" I think I will watch that movie tonight.
ok and lastly(just before time for rounds) steph has decided to rate something every so often. I really think this is a great idea. SO
I got (in my Easter basket, cause my new friend is tha bomb)an elements energy drink. Meteor, tangelo flavored. This was a suprisingly good tasting super up drink. I could tell it had lotsa stuff in it with just a hint of the taste in the backend somewhere. but it is worth buying. I will definitely get more of these. They aren't carbonated and that's easier on my tiny little stomach. I had never had one of these before today and I have to give it
****+ that's 4.5 stars...... KYLE. Many other goodies in my awesome basket. But this is the one that will help me get up and smile my way through some breathing treatments.

ok so I must close for now. I had a long weekend with a great ending so far. I hope things stay cool. There is too much unnecessary confrontation and deceitfulness in this world. I just want to keep up my end and rely on others to do the same. Guess that makes me sound naive. I guess I can live with that. :) once again"i love spell check, and lamp"

Saturday, March 26, 2005


I don't have anything to say today. sortof in a funny mood, not unhappy or conflicted or any of "those" kinds of things. More like I have "the party's over syndrome" feel like I should be somewhere else doing something that would be rewarding. Like I need to be taking care of some responsibility that I have forgotten about. That is the way this feels. Hummmmmmm. I need some solid ground to stand on I think. i will say this , i love spell check, just like lamp:)

Friday, March 25, 2005

so if something has "caracter" does that make it cooler?

my poor cell phone, has been smacked around. if it was a star wars toy it would be called "battle scared" thinkin of getting a new housing for it. hummmm. dont know why i thought this would make a good blog, must be stupid er sumpin.

Ginger Beck is the COOLIEST!!!!!!!!!

eeerbody check out my new style !!! ha haaaaa!!!
*spoken over the intro to we want the funk* this site just went from ...ummm. ahhhh. a site, to PLUGED IN AND PERKA LA'EN HA HAAA, UH YEEEEEAH!!!!!!! WE, WANT THE FUNK,......GOTTA HAVE THAT FUNK!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


If you decide that it is inappropriate to display Easter decorations on the entry door of your office then you are full of sh*#. We aren't talking about some kind of psyced out voodoo performance art or pics of bloody or mutilated bodies , these are pastel blue ,pink, and yellow eggs and bunnies and so on. What a bunch of ignorant jack offs.

Monday, March 21, 2005

this is just Jim Dandy

I have been introduced to a new group by a most wondreful new friend. The Dandy Worhols. im lovin em. (and im totally diggin on my new friend too) anyway i gotta get my boy to bed and its really late. i dont think he would ever sleep if he wasent made to.

Sunday, March 20, 2005


Honestly, I have been in on some silly sh*# in my time. And I have had the wrong idea(man have I ever) but DAMN. If your a doctor and you order an ekg for a pt with a headache, I think I should be able to give the Dr. a headache, just for being a dork.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Is it Spring yet?

man, over these last couple of weeks there has certainly been a change in the weather. I don't like the cold anymore. I use to love it!!! I do still sweat on occasion but not just because im standing up or walking down the hall. this is still new to me. I do have to say that I can put on enough clothes to get warm but, taking off enough to get cool could cause ppl to be sick and or have seizures. LOL I need to get some sun on these legs. If I don't get some soon summer will be here and me on the beach or by the pool will be cool because it will be mentioned by the space shuttle as the go across. * Houston we have a rather large beacon flashing in the area of south east Arkansas. Is the an official transmission ? Over......... beep* oh well. My kids are gone with their mom camping. I am in McGehee .....again. I do have some good friends to talk to, when they have time ( what with everyone else having a life and all that). Well cheers to all who had a drink on St P's day! I had one, alone. but it worked. Mostly for symbolic purposes.
so....Don't sweat the small stuff, right?
I like spell check. but I love lamp!

Monday, March 14, 2005

What a Burger

seemed like a good title concidering the last two. i think that i must be some kind of dork. i would love to have some answers to the riddles life has thrown us all. i just keep on thinking that one day i will get things worked out. well one of these days....maybe i will thatn i wont need to post with such fague strokes.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

what a change

i am just about a breath away from being happy. if things were just an inch diffrent. . . . . oh well, maybe they will change .....for the better!!!!! i hope so. i fee right now like i could really be happy with just a bit more than ive got. hummmmm do we all feel this way from time to time? is this just this stage of the game? if a train leaves new york going 35 miles an hour...... lol. i am waiting

Thursday, March 10, 2005

what a good thing

i have had the chance to meet someone who i really like. funny, smart, artistic, beautiful and loves music. where was this person my whole life. the cooliest thing is, i think she kinda likes me too. i hope so! could it be that i get to have someone like this as my friend? could she be my best friend? i hope to always know her!!! with any luck i will get to know her more and better every day! thanks to my friends steph and ginger, without them i wouldnt hav eever met her at all. oh....yeah..... thanks to chuck for reassurign me that i could do this.
thanks to everyone

Monday, March 07, 2005

Posted by Hello

back here in mayberry

man im glad to be back on home turf, i guess. glad to be able to sleep in my own bed. that hospital bed in mcgehee was killing me. and on a more sour note its tax time and ar state is first up to bat. yikes its a line drive right up my ........ohhhhhh thats gonna hurt chet. lets see if he's gonna walk off the

Sunday, March 06, 2005

you didn't want to know this

i aaaaaam smellin like a rose that somebody gave me on my birthday death beeed!!!!!!! man i have been in an stp mood latley. humm, . i realise this makes me kind of a freak but i have this internal soundtrack that mlays all the time. i might be having a conversation with someone and it is still going. there are, of course, time that it stops. i always notice it though. this hasent been much of a problem for me in life, i have developed a split stream consciousness. (thanks that sounds really complicated, but its not. its like how your eyes see two diffrent images but your brain puts them together as one. its not exactly something we do ourselves. hasent this been a nice lesson on a very small bit of useless info on marcus?

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Nose to the Grindstone

i guess its back to the ole salt mines, back to the ole stone quarry, abck to the freakin' hospital. i dont hate my job , but i do hate to go alllllllllllll th eway over to mcgehee and stay in the hospital all weekend long. and i hear that the walmart is going to close here "they" are opening a supercenter in dumas. im not too familiar with this part of arkansas. the locals tell me that its going to be about 15 mins from here. humm and duty calles right now.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Sir Blogsalot

i will now blog to keep myself off of ebay. BBBBLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOGGGGGGGG ah. sorry had to get that out. man i have to slow down. i hate to let a good deal go by me. even when i have enough. its a sickness.....i need ebayers anonymous or something. maybe i should look for a karaoke machine. ah ha im off..........................

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Howza Bout That

i have to say that i just had two, count them two [thundering...lightening crashes......] good days off. humm..
i wont complain. is this where i get spooked and think i am in for 7 bad days @ work? do i need to go get bullshit insurence for mcgehee this weekend ? does jessicias baby really belong to alen the park ranger or is the father bill the proffesser of law @ the greater mcgehee metro jr college.anyway, i have two dew favorite pics of caden that i have to put up onthe blog and some of tess and keegan. as for our sangin' maybe we can find our own karaoke stuff. i have the stereo for it and im sure we can find a mic somewhere.

tess' blog pic....for Posted by Hello

oh yeah ...i told him i was gonna post this one. he said go ahead!!!! lol Posted by Hello

he said cheese burger!!! this is my most special friend!!! Posted by Hello

What do you think he's thinking about? Posted by Hello