Monday, February 07, 2005 bout that.

as i read over these posts i get this picture of myself. its not an awful site but not what i was ready for. before i started this blog i was afraid that the things i would write would be just like this. even with that expectation i hoped for diffrent. the comments i get, i cherrish, but they seem to be trying to cheer me up. im am thankful to have friends who care and want me to be happy, who see that i am a good man(i hope i am) and who enjoy being around me as much as i do them. so what is it. im not UNhappy. humm. its been a long time sence i was single, a long time sence i didnt have someone to be my other half. maybe im just not being patient enough. lol maybe i need a stick to bite on during the recovery after my "other half ectomy" lol lol. pouring alcohol on the wound, deadns things for a bit but no cure there. i have never been a patient man, maybe this will help me to establish some. im setting up a new government. "the world according to marc". i do enjoy the blog thing is somewhat tharapeutic, although i think i need to have gause on hand to help control all the bleeding ive been doing. bleeding all over every pc i blog on. so to those unfortunate few how read this bout that.


Blogger fairygirl701 said...

I think this is one of the best posts you have is from the heart and shows a little bit more of you than you are usually willing to show. Sure you are in pain and your heart is raw...that is part of losing someone. BUT Russell is right--you don't have to have someone to be happy. This is the trap that your ex is falling into. You have to first be happy in yourself! I know that is easier said, yadda, yadda, etc. I know that until I met Chuck I KNEW I didn't want to marry any of the others I dated. I knew that I would be settling and after my first marriage it just wasn't worth it to me. I would have rather been alone to date, but to also do as I wanted to! If something happens b/w me and CHuck, I will be heartbroken no doubt, but I don't think I will want to rush into another marriage. Pace yourself. I may be talking out of my a** so disregard it if it offends you haha.

2:41 PM  
Blogger ginger said...

Marc, don't apologize for ANYTHING! If we didn't like what you wrote, we wouldn't come here. Also, do this for yourself. Sure, it is great for us who love to check in on you (isn't it funny how I feel like I know you so well, even though we've met only once?) but hopefully you can use this blog to sort out what you are thinking and also to document your life. Years from now you can look back and read what you and Caden and the other kids were doing and it will be like your own little time capsule.

8:27 PM  
Blogger Marc said...

thank you all for being my friends. to say it dosent do justice to the honesty with witch it is felt! and to ginger i think maybe we have known each other, even if weve only met once. i feel like your a trusted old friend. to russell, i dont know if weve met but u have given me good advice, i wont overlook it. steph, what can i say, more than thanks? if not for you and chuck i wouldnt have any one to a relationship to appreciate, or friends like you to admire. without you 2 i wouldnt have ginger as my friend either. thanks.

9:17 PM  
Blogger Marc said...

thanks russell im not sure if we know each other either. i am a respiratory therapist here in crossett have been for about 12 years.

8:55 PM  

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