Saturday, May 07, 2005

Alls Fair.......Right?

Well I cant say that the last few haven't been a ride. That much can tell you. What an emotional roller coaster this last week has been. I can say that if anything my faith in relationships has been in a strange way renewed. I was almost in one. LOL what a funny thing to say eh? Well even funnier to mean. Wonderful girl, just not ready. Slightly jumped the gun. Of course slightly means I have hit a total impasse. This is what I get for not going with my gut. Trying to let someone tell me that its ok, when I know what I see and hear. The really off part of this is that I am ok with pretty much what ever, so..............Up the cups and lets get this thing goin'.


Blogger Gaye said...

Fair? Life's not fair, and that really pisses me off especially when I try so hard to be. It's so difficult to keep from jumping the gun when you're lonely--that's not fair either damnit! I'm not much of a drinker, but the other day some wine in K&B was calling my name. It's still unopened in the fridge--I may raise my cup too; in honor of you of course. Relax and breathe--that's a really good philosophy...

9:00 AM  
Blogger Amy S. Petrik said...

so back up a bit... am i missing the actual date? where's the story for me to fill in the blanks???

11:33 AM  
Blogger Marc said...

gaye: not just a philosophy its a job lol
gypsy: we work together and went out to see her son play tball. no real dates. this is what happens when i dont follow my head.

1:29 PM  
Blogger Gaye said...

So you have a job with a built in philosophy--that's cool. People have tried to get me to Relax and Breathe, but I just can't quite get the hang of it--I'm an anxious person. I'd probably be one of those patients you'd want to strap to the gurney (sp?) and park next to the wall out of the way. Oh well, here's to sucky relationships and sucky nonrelationships--cheers!!!!

1:39 PM  
Blogger fairygirl701 said...

Marc, you should post why you call this "relax and breathe", I think it is an interesting story!!

4:54 PM  

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